srvany exe windows 10

I have successful tested instrsrv.exe and srvany.exe on Windows 7/8.1; I have not tested them on Windows 10. Let’s get started … For purposes of example, we’ll assume we have a Windows application called “foobar” that is normally started by using the bina

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  • I have successful tested instrsrv.exe and srvany.exe on Windows 7/8.1; I have not tested t...
    Run a Windows Application as a Service with srvany | iceflat ...
  • To create a Windows NT user-defined service, perform the following steps: At a MS-DOS comm...
    How To Create a User-Defined Service
  • executable as a Windows Service like srvany.exe will. This page describes the SC command l...
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  • srvany.exe is not essential for Windows 10/8/7/XP and will often cause problems. Click her...
    What is srvany.exe? - Windows 1087XP file forum
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    Application as a Service "srvany.exe" in Windows S ...
  • 在以下任何 Microsoft Windows 操作系統中均可能發生 SRVANY.EXE 錯誤消息: Windows 10 Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows...
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  • srvany.exe是什么?srvany.exe是Microsoft Windows Resource Kits工具集的一个实用的小工具,用于将任何EXE程序作为Windows服务...
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